HR’s Role in LeadERSHIP DevelOPMENT
Nurturing future leaders. What is HR’s role and responsibility in leadership development programs?
Image: Photo by Christina Morillo:

tardiness to ghosting
Why won’t employees come to work when they are supposed to?! A short HR article on employee absenteeism, tardiness and ghosting.

employee focus group dialogue
Conducting Employee Opinion Surveys is one thing, responding in a meaningful way is entirely another. Focus group sessions can help you get to the heart of the issue, so you can work to improve the work enviornment.

the New Hire Interview
This is not the new hire interview you are thinking of….read more to learn about a new employee discussion technique that can ensure your team has a great start with your organization and they stay with your company.

The Stay interview
Better than an Exit Interview is the Stay Interview. Read this article for tips on how to engage your team and prevent them create a great work environment.

The Exit interview
The Exit Interview: Understanding why people leave your company can help you course correct to reduce future turnover.

SElf-audit of HR & employment practices
Conducting a self-audit of your HR practices can help improve employee engagement, reduce turnover and ensure your are compliant in your employment practices.

the HR Role in the organization

next level onboarding
Taking your on-boarding to the next level can make the difference in your new employee’s desire to stay with your company beyond the first day.

understanding company objectives
Policies created clumsily or without consideration for the company’s objectives will be out of alignment and frustrating for everyone.

Leadership Essentials
Essentials to great leadership

Human Resources Compliance
Employees are satisfied…until they aren’t.

What Employees Want
What do employees really want?